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瓜達盧佩聖母 — 希望及生命之母 Virgin of Guadalupe – Mother of Hope and Life

發佈日期:2019 年 08 月 01 日 12:36
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道生修會榮幸邀請到聖若望.迪達谷列品申請人--愛德華多.查韋斯蒙席作瓜達盧佩聖母----亞洲之旅講座的主講者,此行旨在將瓜達盧佩聖母顯現的訊息帶給更多亞洲人,讓聖若望. 迪達谷從聖母身上體現的愛與恩寵跟眾人分施,蒙席此次亞洲行程將到訪香港、澳門、台灣及菲律賓。澳門教區生命委員會有幸與道生修會合辦9月22日的澳門站講座----「帶來生命之源的母親」。


聖母瑪利亞以孕婦的形象於1531年12月9日在墨西哥顯現給一位57歲的印弟安農民若望. 迪達谷,而在當年的12月12日,聖母為證實她的顯現,聖母讓迪達谷將他的斗篷呈現給主教,斗篷上竟然印有聖母的容貌,此斗篷直至今天仍絲毫無損。聖母的顯現為當時的印弟安人帶來了希望和慰藉,在短短數年間,讓數百萬人棄絕了向邪神作活人獻祭和崇拜而跟隨耶穌基督。瓜達盧佩聖母是天主教教會承認的第一個聖母顯現的奇蹟。


Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared at Tepeyac in Mexico City to a 57-year-old Indian peasant Juan Diego on Dec 9, 1531. She identified herself as the pregnant Mother of God and instructed him to have the bishop build a church on the site. She left an image of herself imprinted miraculously on his tilma as a sign for the Bishop on Dec 12, 1531. The tilma shows no sign of decay and is still in perfect condition after nearly five centuries. Our Lady brought a new era of hope and comfort to the indigenous natives, putting an end to the bloody human sacrifice to their false idols and converting millions to the Catholic Faith in the next few years. The appearance of Guadalupe was the first Marian apparition approved by the Holy See.

Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) is cordially inviting Msgr. Eduardo Chávez Ph.D. - Postulator of the Cause of the Canonization of Saint Juan Diego all the way from Mexico to present Asia Lecture Tour of Guadalupe in Sept. Msgr. Chávez will be visiting Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Philippines. The Macau Talk entitled“The mother who brings the source of life”, organized by IVE and Macau Diocesan Commission for Life,  will be held in St Joseph’s Seminary on Sept 22, 2019. Please see below for more information.


講座時間: 下午3時至5時

Talk: 3:00 to 5 pm

感恩聖祭: 5時正 

Mass after talk: 5pm

地點: 澳門聖若瑟修院聖堂

Venue: Seminário e Igreja de São José

講師:愛德華多 ‧ 查維斯 蒙席 (聖若望‧迪達谷 列品申請人 )

Speaker:Msgr. Eduardo Chávez Sánchez, Ph.D.  (Postulator for St.Juan Diego's cause for canonization.)     

語言:英語 (設粵語即時傳譯,需借用傳譯機者請於報名時預先登記)



Free admission. Donations are welcome.             

查詢 Enquiry: 2892-1139



1. https://reurl.cc/e5WOLL

2. https://reurl.cc/9z1p1V


